Work with a career transition specialist to

 create a career plan, set and achieve goals, and boost your professional future.

A Career Transition Specialist is a professional who specializes in guiding individuals through the process of changing careers. Such a specialist can help seasoned professionals transition to a more successful venture by providing them with the necessary tools, resources, and guidance. The specialist can assess the professional's skills, strengths, and interests and help them identify potential new career paths. They can also help the professional build a new network of contacts and provide them with the support they need to make the transition.

Click here to schedule a call with Jonathan Anderson, Career Transition Specialist

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Define what it is you want to do.

What makes you experience joy.

Find a JOY not a JOB (like that?)

Whats your why?

What are your why not(s)?

If you don't know where you are going? 

How will you know when you have arrived?

Where should you be by now?

Are you on the right path?

What's missing?

Have you met your expectations?

Are you diversified in your revenue streams?

A well-defined path is achieved thus far.

It wasn't perfect and now it's time to ramp it up!

You have options, let's explore more.

What is my bandwidth? 

Leverage what you have. Playing to your strengths.

Identifying weaknesses 

There is room for an improved path forward.

If you aren't growing you are dying. Let's grow!